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Bella Santé News

Why Exfoliate? A Brief Guide To Why & How Posted by Team Bella in

Taking care of your skin is critical to looking your best and to fight the war on aging. What’s the most important part of your routine? Professional exfoliation – regularly.
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Is your hair ready for the holidays? Posted by Team Bella in

Summer is harsh on hair.  Follow these 10 tips from top stylists at our Hair Salon in Wellesley to restore health and vibrancy to your locks in time for the holidays!
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Employee Spotlight Posted by Team Bella in

Sarah has been a massage therapist since 2004.  Her passion for health and wellness began at home, in southeastern Pennsylvania, in response to her own health issues and her mom's work as an obstetric nurse.
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10 Tips for Preparing your Skin for Fall Posted by Team Bella in

The best part of Summer is spending it outside on the beach, at barbeques and in the pool. Unfortunately, soaking up sunshine and chlorine damages our skin and shows in your complexion in the fall and winter months. For mature skin, the sun leaves behind sun and age spots as well as increased lines and wrinkles.
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Improve Your Health with a Swedish Massage Posted by Team Bella in

There are many types of massage, and perhaps the most popular is the Swedish Massage. Many think of a Swedish massage as a special treat with the intent of pampering oneself with the gift of relaxation and just as many think a Swedish Massage is only unique in technique. 
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Massage Therapy Not Just For Relaxation Posted by Team Bella in

When we think about the benefits of receiving a massage many of us only consider the feeling of relaxation and stress relief that is a natural result of the process. However, more and more clinical studies are proving what people have known for years, a professionally administered massage has an extraordinary has tremendous physical, emotional, and health benefits.
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Bella Sante Day Spas Now Offering Reiki Posted by Team Bella in

Reiki (pronounced ray-key), is a non-invasive gentle yet powerful Japanese form of energy therapy that balances the body, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, enabling the body to do what it does best -- heal itself.
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Nail Salon Sanitation Posted by Team Bella in

Chances are you’ve heard a story or two about low standards at area Nail Salons. I’ve had friends who have gotten serious infections from unsterilized tools....but we still need our weekly manicure- pedicure!
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When do my skin care products expire? You’re not the only one confused! Posted by Team Bella in

Many of the brands we sell at Bella Sante use the “cosmetic jar” indicator. Check out the back of most any cosmetic product you have and you will notice a jar with “24M” inside of it. This indicates the product is generally good for 24 months after opening.
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