Regular facials leave your skin looking and feeling its best, but depending on the facial you receive, it may not happen right away. Directly after your session, you may notice redness even with a gentle treatment, and post-facial breakouts are a common phenomenon when skin doesn't receive the tender care it deserves. Here's how you can minimize redness, blemishes and discomfort following your facial.
How To Wash Skin After Facial? Carefully
Over-zealous scrubbing and harsh cleansers can leave skin that's already undergone exfoliation and extraction feeling irritated. During your facial, your esthetician has already performed the deep cleansing and exfoliation you might otherwise do weekly or monthly, so give your face a break from vigorous scrubbing for at least 48 hours after your session.
Wash With the Right Products
When it's time to wash your face, choose gentle, non-comedogenic cream or foam cleansing agents. Use your fingertips, not a sponge or washcloth that could contain trapped bacteria and feel too harsh for sensitive post-facial skin, and wash with lukewarm water. Forget the toner for the first few washes after your facial; the astringent ingredients in toners aren't needed for your freshly cleaned face, and they could sting.
Skip the Steam Room After A Facial
Depending on the kind of facial you choose, you may have already had steaming or heat treatment for your skin. Under an experienced esthetician's care, steaming sessions last long enough to stimulate circulation and open pores, but too much of it can lead to broken capillaries and skin sensitivity.
Switch Your Sunscreen
On the day of your facial, take an umbrella or a broad-brimmed hat with you. Your skin needs sun protection. In fact, limit time spent in the sun after a facial since some chemical exfoliations can leave skin more photosensitive. If are going into the sun and you normally use a chemical sunscreen, you might find it uncomfortable for a few days after a facial. New versions of titanium oxide sunscreens are just as effective and don't give you that lifeguard look of a stripe of chalk-white on your nose. We recommend EltaMD UV Physical specifically for how well it cares for and protects post-procedural skin. Be lavish with your sunscreen use for at least a week following a facial. Really, though, you should use sunscreen every day!
Are Extractions Part Of A Professional Facial? Most Likely.
Extractions are sometimes necessary for clearer skin in the long run, but they leave your skin vulnerable right after your appointment. Your aesthetician will apply soothing and protective products to minimize post-facial breakouts, but avoid using non-sterile makeup applicators on your face or touching your hands to your skin too often following a facial that includes extraction.
The key to getting your best skin possible from facial treatments is setting a schedule. Skin loves routine, so work with your aesthetician to develop a post-facial regimen that leaves your skin healthy and happy.