Pre and Post Microneedling Care

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Microneedling is a high performance med spa skin care treatment that gets results. The technique involves employing a specialized device equipped with minuscule needles to create controlled micro-injuries on specific areas of the skin. The deliberate micro-injuries prompt the body to initiate a repair response while also kickstarting the production of elastin and collagen.

Often referred to as collagen induction therapy, microneedling can be enhanced by incorporating radio frequency, a technique designed to further boost collagen production. Considering or undergoing microneedling? Understanding the nuances of microneedling pre and post care will help maximize the benefits of microneedling while ensuring a smooth and effective recovery.

How to Prepare for Microneedling - Pre Microneedling Instructions

Microneedling pre-instruction and requires careful preparation. You should consider your medical history and lifestyle choices. Review the pre microneedling instructions from Bella Sante:

1. Medication Check

Take inventory of your medications before your appointment. If you have acne-prone skin and are on Accutane or similar medications, it's recommended you pause six months pre microneedling.

Blood-thinning medications or supplements like Aspirin, ibuprofen, or Fish Oil? Don't take them 72 hours before and after the facial to avoid complications in the healing process. These medicines heighten skin sensitivity, making it more prone to irritation and potential bacterial infection.

Prone to cold sores? Consider an anti-viral prescription 48 hours before and the day of your treatment to prevent flare-ups. Always consult with your medical professional for personalized advice.

2. Skincare Routine Modifications

In the days leading up to your microneedling appointment, treat your skin with care. Avoid abrasive products like retinol, exfoliants, and acids for at least 48 hours. Shield your skin from harmful UV rays by avoiding direct sunlight and tanning beds for five days before the microneedling treatment.

3. Beauty Treatment Considerations

Refrain from hair removal methods like electrolysis, laser treatments, or waxing two weeks before your appointment. Shaving is fine a few days before, but leave a 24-48 hour grace period to prevent skin irritation.

Avoid botox, laser treatments, and chemical procedures for two weeks pre microneedling to allow your skin sufficient time to recover. If you've had filler injections, wait four weeks before scheduling your microneedling appointment.

4. Diet and Lifestyle Support

Avoid alcohol 24 hours before your microneedling appointment. Steer clear of caffeinated foods or drinks on the day of the procedure, as they can promote bruising and inflammation. Refrain from intense exercise 24-48 hours before your appointment.

5. Day of the Microneedling Appointment:

On the day of your microneedling session, keep your skin clean, dry, and makeup-free. If you skip this step, your skincare professional will take care of it for you. Expect the application of a layer of numbing cream before the procedure to minimize discomfort. 

Microneedling Aftercare - Post Microneedling Care Instructions

After your microneedling appointment, taking care of your skin is important for optimal results and a smooth recovery.

  • Post-treatment, keep the treated area clean and avoid makeup for at least the first day.
  • Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face. Avoid harsh chemicals that might irritate your sensitive skin.
  • Hydration is key—use a mild, non-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin nourished and aid in the healing process.
  • Sun protection is a non-negotiable; shield your skin from direct sunlight and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Your skin is more sensitive post-microneedling, steer clear of intense physical activities for the first 24 to 48 hours.
Follow the post-care instructions provided by your esthetician to ensure a seamless recovery and maximize the benefits of your microneedling experience.

Book Your Microneedling Consultation Today

Start on a skin rejuvenating journey with state-of-the-art microneedling treatments at our Med Spas, located in Boston on Newbury Street, Lexington, and Wellesley. Explore the benefits of our advanced procedures and unlock revolutionary skincare advantages.

Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about microneedling and why you should consider adding it to your skincare maintenance plan.

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